API Documentation


Learn about how IMPERIAL handles authentication. There are two ways to authenticate with the API.

The way you authenticate is through headers. Either send the cookie, or provide an Authorization header, like so.

fetch("https://api/impb.in/v1/users/@me", {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {


The API key is a unique identifier for your account. It is used to authenticate all requests to the API. You can find your API key in your user settings.

They look like this


Notice the prefix imperial_

Auth Token

The auth token is a unique identifier for your session. It is used to authenticate all requests to the API. They are set in your cookies.

They look like this


Notice the prefix imperial_auth_

Rate Limits

API limits are subjective to the route you are hitting, in most cases you can hit the endpoint 500 times before being rate limited for a minute.

However, on some routes, (namely auth routes) you can only hit those endpoints 10 times every minute.